AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help even in the current Corona crisis
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ….
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Der Autor Ansgar Falke hat 579 Einträge verfasst.
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ….
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ….
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ….
Application: Commercial & Private Article No: 3010055 For commercial institutions and home users for local use. Within the AIRNERGY stream, a familiar energy is produced, which can be transferred to the affected and underserved parts of the body. The body’s own protective and self-healing powers can be stimulated and supported locally. Recommended use […]
Marvin Albert (born 1996), an internet entrepreneur from Worms/Cologne, not only had a fine nose when, outside the health matrix, as he publicly calls it, he was looking for advice for a better quality of life, especially for his 80-year-old grandfather and himself, and after a short e-mail exchange he appeared at AIRNERGY in Hennef. […]
In keeping with our latest and most compact development of the AIRNERGY Little Breathing Device, we would like to educate you with this video and guide on why you breathe 15,000 litres a day of pure breathing air and why it has a much greater impact on your health than eating or drinking what you […]
That the #air is the #most important good for us #people unfortunately, it is often completely overlooked and underestimated. Of course, there is #Fine dust and much more in the air – but who wonders about the energy it contains.
Dass die #Luft das #überlebenswichtigste Gut für uns #Menschen darstellt, wird leider oft völlig übersehen und auch unterschätzt. Natürlich gibt es #Feinstaub und noch vieles mehr in der Luft – aber wer fragt sich schon nach der darin enthaltenen Energie.
Passend zu unserer neuesten und kompaktesten Entwicklung dem AIRNERGY Little Atmos Atmegerät möchten wir dich mit diesem Video und Ratgeber aufklären, wieso du 15.000 Liter pro Tag reine Atemluft einatmest und wieso diese einen viel größeren Einfluss auf deine Gesundheit hat als das Essen oder Trinken was du zu dir nimmst. Pro Atemzug erreichen dich […]
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9404 Rorschacherberg
AIRNERGY International GmbH
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D-53773 Hennef
Telefon: +49 (0) 22 42 - 93 30-0
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