At the presentation of this year’s European Health & Spa Award, the highest award for wellness companies and innovations, which was presented on 20 June 2018 in Vienna, Airnergy was also honoured with a nomination. Airnergy thus achieved an excellent 4th place in the category „Best Signature Treatment“ among the more than 100 applicants. The nomination certificate was received by Izabela Seidl-Kwiatkowska, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Austria in Poznan/Poland and Airnergy cooperation partner. The award, which this year went to the Lefay Resort & SPA on Lake Garda, honors the „benefit and importance of innovation“. Airnergy also won the Health & Spa Award a few years ago.
At the presentation of this year’s European Health & Spa Award, the highest award for wellness companies and innovations, which was presented on 20 June 2018 in Vienna, Airnergy was also honoured with a nomination. Airnergy thus achieved an excellent 4th place in the category „Best Signature Treatment“ among the more than 100 applicants. The nomination certificate was received by Izabela Seidl-Kwiatkowska, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Austria in Poznan/Poland and Airnergy cooperation partner. The award, which this year went to the Lefay Resort & SPA on Lake Garda, honors the „benefit and importance of innovation“. Airnergy also won the Health & Spa Award a few years ago.
„We are delighted with the recognition that Airnergy has now received with the nomination in the ‚Beauty, Wellness and SPA‘ segment. We are particularly pleased that our new extended treatment method, which we developed for the industry and only presented in March of this year, was immediately noticed – and awarded,“ said Izabela Seidl-Kwiatkowska at the award ceremony. Guido Bierther, Airnergy founder and managing director, thanked Seidl-Kwiatkowska for representing Airnergy at the award ceremony and emphasized: „In addition to the various innovation awards we have received in recent years, this nomination is a great success for us. Because it now also honors the combined form of treatment with the powerful energy six-pack set, consisting of the Airnergy AvantGarde for new energy from the inside and the Airnergy STREAM HS for additional energy from the outside. In combination with other Airnergy SPA measures, the SPA guest can now absorb natural energy from head to toe, repair and regenerate his body holistically and then regulate it better and better – and the whole thing without the supply of foreign substances or chemicals. The combined active ingredients for Airnergy energy are light, air and water – nothing more.“
Here is the list of standardized and winners of the European Health & SPA Award 2018
Our photo shows five nominated participants, including Izabela Seidl-Kwiatkowska (4th from left)

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