
Art of Air Award 2019
Hennef, 21. Dezember 2019 – Die von Airnergy gegründete „Art of Air“-Initiative hat den vor einem Jahr ins Leben gerufenen „Art of Air Award“ (AoAA) auch 2019 Dr. Jibin Chi, Präsident der Channel Biomedical Group und Direktor der CHI Awakening Academy, verliehen. Chi hat ...

The 53rd Medical Week in Baden-Baden
The 53rd Medical Week in Baden-Baden is just around the corner and AIRNERGY is back as every year.
We would be pleased if we could welcome you again this year at our booth 25 in the1. OG welcome....

2019 Art of Air Award
Hennef, December 21, 2019 – The Art of Air initiative, founded by AIRNERGY, has also awarded the Art of Air Award (AoAA), launched a year ago, to Dr. Jibin Chi, President of the Channel Biomedical Group and Director of the CHI Awakening Academy, in 2019. Chi has ...

AIRNERGY reports in the health messenger NRW
In the January issue of the magazine Health Bote NRW, the Hennefer company AIRNERGY International GmbH reports on a total of four pages about the technology and possibilities that I can derive from the application by spirovitalization by means of the AIRNERGY devices.
In addition to the fields of wellness, health care and prevention reported....

On corporate arrondissement: Ordered liquidation of AIRNERGY AG in favour of AIRNERGY International GmbH
Vitalizers also provide valuable help in corona diseases
Hennef, March 13, 2020 – AIRNERGY AG, a healthcare company from Hennef/Sieg and a subsidiary of AIRNERGY International GmbH, will be liquidated by a shareholder resolution of February 19, 2020.

AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help even in the current Corona crisis
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ....

AIRNERGY cooperation partner: A pioneer in the field of mental training
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ....

Special publication: Naturopathy Journal April 2020
Especially in times of waves of flu or the currently threatening Corona crisis, the AIRNERGY vitalizers provide valuable help, as they ....

Stream – Dermovital therapy with AIRNERGY
Commercial & Private
Article No:
For commercial institutions and home users for local use. Within the AIRNERGY stream, a familiar energy is produced, which can be transferred to the affected and underserved…