Photosynthesis in green leaves: model for AIRNERGY technology
Hennef, 30 October 2017 – We all know that no living being can exist without air. While humans and animals inhale and exhale them almost completely through the mouth and nose (only one percent of the air exchange is carried out through the skin), in plants that grow on land, this happens via their stomata (from Greek „stoma“ = mouth), tiny stomata on the underside of their leaves. But even without plants, we could not survive. Because it is they who absorb the carbon dioxide that is exhaled by humans and animals and that would be harmful to us and our environment in too large quantities. And they ensure that in this process, photosynthesis, oxygen is released into the air – a substance that is vital for us. Because plants have a unique substance: chlorophyll. It not only makes their leaves green, but also converts water and carbon dioxide – with the help of light – into sugar and oxygen. The plant stores the sugar, but it releases the oxygen again. The plant also needs oxygen to crush the stored sugar and to gain energy from it and thus grow its shoots or sprout its roots. Overall, however, plants produce significantly more oxygen than they consume themselves.

The benefits we have from this are enormous: for example, a hundred-year-old beech gives about as much oxygen to the environment via its leaves in an hour as 50 people need to breathe during this time! The most oxygen is supplied by the tropical rainforest, especially in South America and Asia. The trees and plants growing here could supply the whole world with oxygen – even if all trees in Europe had no leaves in the winter time. Our plants therefore have an invaluable value for us and should be subject to special protection worldwide.
Airnergy technology is based on processes in nature
The Hennefer medical device manufacturer Airnergy also uses the processes in nature that have existed for millions of years for the breathing air technology it has developed. The company has developed a patent-protected, award-winning process based on the natural processes in photosynthesis in green leaves. Similar to how plants „break down“ the air into its constituents and release the oxygen into their environment, the Airnergy breathing apparatus also works.
Its four vitalizers constantly bring the atmospheric oxygen of the ambient air into its high-energy state, the so-called singlet oxygen. This is so important because it maintains performance and self-healing and regeneration processes. Normally, the human body independently converts from inert atmospheric oxygen to the valuable singlet oxygen – when it is young, healthy and fit. However, if this is not the case, e.B. with increasing age, illnesses, stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet or environmental pollution, he needs new energy to restore original performance and well-being. The Airnergy process thus helps the body in a natural way to measurably optimize the energy for oxygen utilization in the cells.
In the organism, the „AIRNERGY energy“ regulates the vegetative nervous system and thus has a positive effect on numerous functions of the body – and without any additional oxygen supply and without any foreign substances!
„We are delighted with the recognition and the many awards we have received for the development of our technology. Our goal is to help people all over the world with our work and our products and to give them back their original performance in a completely natural way,“ emphasized Airnergy founder and MANAGING Director Guido Bierther.
NASA study confirms the multiple benefits of plants
Back to our plants, their oxygen „gifts“ and other insights, combined with a few practical tips.
We are all happy about it: houseplants visually enhance our apartment and make it inviting. They strengthen our well-being by creating a natural- fresh atmosphere that is especially good for us in winter, when we are often at home. Houseplants are also not only oxygen donors, but also humidifiers, silencers and pollutant filters. This was the result of investigations by the US space agency NASA. NASA originally wanted to use its „Clean Air Study“ to determine how the climate in the space stations could be improved. The result: with the help of plants! These can also reduce the concentration of formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and other harmful gases in enclosed spaces. Fabrics that are often used in industry and thus find their way into our homes: through plastic, wall paints, printer cartridges, detergents, adhesives and much more. The chemicals contained in these materials often cause headaches, dizziness or sometimes even tachycardia, they often irritate our eyes and our respiratory tract.
To counteract this, the researchers recommend at least one plant per nine square meters. Then their air-purifying effect is used optimally. The larger the plant, the greater the effect.
NASA has also determined a list of the best air-purifying plants. Based on these findings, the „Welt“ has highlighted five favorites for purchase in the living area:
The green lily (Chlorophytum elatum) It doesn’t take much to survive, so it’s very popular. The green lily managed to reduce the formaldehyde content in a closed room, which was deliberately increased for the NASA test, by almost 90 percent within 24 hours.
The Common Ivy (Hedera helix) It is perfect for eliminating benzene. In the test, he succeeded in reducing the gas content by 90 percent within 24 hours. However, it does not tolerate heated rooms well. It is therefore best stored in the hallway or entrance area of the apartment.
The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Whether ammonia or benzene, this plant filters pretty much everything from the air. Trichloroethylene was even able to reduce it by up to 23 percent in the test. By way of comparison, the ivy „only“ achieved a reduction of eleven percent. In addition, it is quite easy to clean. However, it also has disadvantages: Many allergy sufferers are sensitive to the plant and it is also toxic to cats and dogs.
The chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) Just like the peace lily, it is an all-rounder – but also toxic for four-legged roommates. If there are no cats or dogs in the house, their purchase is worthwhile. With its flowers, it not only brings color to every room, but also filters many pollutants.
The Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata) It also does a good job when it comes to formaldehyde destruction. Within 24 hours, it removes 70 percent of the substance. A cleansing effect is also noticeable with benzene and trichloroethylene – just as the ivy mare achieves. However, this is toxic to children and should therefore not be used in apartments.
All data refer to the results of the NASA study. D. h., during the tests, the plants were in a tightly closed chamber. Thus, the air-purifying effect here was probably much greater than it can be in our apartments, where completely different site conditions exist. Nevertheless, the above-known plants always ensure a good indoor climate.
For more information about Airnergy, see
Michael Nassenstein, Phone: 0163-3419039, mna – 2017-0801
Contact at AIRNERGY:
Guido Bierther
Phone: (02242) 9330 0
fax: (0 2242) 9330 30
Wartensee 2
9404 Rorschacherberg
AIRNERGY International GmbH
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D-53773 Hennef
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