A new 40-page AIRNERGY publication has just been published:
„The little Atmos“, the title of the brochure, informs about the energy and composition of the healthy forest air and explains why it is so good for us.
AIRNERGY had developed the idea for the publication and the concept, and Karl-Heinz Röber, professor of information and energy medicine at the Lujiazui International United University in Shanghai and a member of the AIRNERGY Advisory Board, was able to win the textual implementation. In his work, Röber describes the effect and benefits of the „smallest air spa in the world“ from the point of view of physics and illustrates why forest air therapy comes so close to AIRNERGY use. He also explains in detail more complex scientific connections in an easy-to-understand way. Numerous illustrations and graphics illustrate the topic.
In the new publication, Röber presents in particular the results of his study of the air-atmosphere and water – „as a driving force of all nature“ – and highlights the importance of these vital elements on the basis of numerous supporting documents. In doing so, he also deals with the increasing pollution of the air-atmosphere, whereby the water normally present in the atmosphere loses its energetic function: due to its binding to the fine dust and the partly already visible toxins in the air. The American writer and director Norman Mailer recognized this 30 years ago: „In our polluted environment, the air is slowly becoming visible.“
In addition, due to the large-scale destruction of the natural environment, the natural humidity and its viticity also change negatively. According to Röber, this has the effect of significantly deteriorating human health, especially in terms of his lungs and energy system. On the basis of worldwide health statistics, a significant shift in the natural process of aging can be demonstrated: on average from 70 to 80 years to today 40 to 50 years!
The AIRNERGY principle of action, modelled on nature – electrically charged water molecules dissolved in the air with the help of oxygen as EZ water – has the more than 2000 times greater energetic effect in our body than that of the compact, liquid form of water. It therefore has a much greater biological significance. This is also the secret of the health-promoting forest air. We couldn’t drink them either, but inhale them, and so it would remain effective in our body for three to five days and protect us from all negative environmental influences, because our immune system, now electrically charged, could work more actively.
Thanks to AIRNERGY, this energy is now available to nature everywhere, Röber concluded.
Michael Nassenstein, Phone: 0163-3419039, mna – 2018-0402
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