Pioneering work: A company promotes energy from within
AIRNERGY has done pioneering work. In 2000, the then newly founded company Natural Energy Solutions AG brought a technology to market maturity. Objective: To optimize the utilization of oxygen in the body – and this completely without chemical additives or the supply of additional oxygen. AIRNERGY-vitalizers were presented to the German and international market as a complete novelty. The technology quickly gained many supporters.
AIRNERGY has been continuously developed since its market launch. Years of intensive work and optimization make the AIRNERGY devices today what countless satisfied users worldwide appreciate.
Today and in the future: Use in medicine, sports and prevention
Today tens of thousands of AIRNERGY vitalizers are in use worldwide, in Germany and Europe as well as in the USA, the Near and Far East. With dedicated doctors and in progressive clinics, but also in health-oriented wellness and fitness facilities, with competitive athletes and private users. Companies also use the possibilities of regular AIRNERGY breathing – with the intention of promoting the well-being and performance of their employees.
AIRNERGY International GmbH, active since the end of 2007, has patent, technology and a consistent quality, service, production and company management.
The company’s goal is to continuously expand the application areas of AIRNERGY. Since it is a basic technology, AIRNERGY can also be used in many other areas, such as air conditioning and ventilation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft and buildings.
AIRNERGY International GmbH is certified as a medical device manufacturer according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2003 as well as the quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001 and the environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001.
Wartensee 2
9404 Rorschacherberg
AIRNERGY International GmbH
Wehrstr. 24-26
D-53773 Hennef
Telefon: +49 (0) 22 42 - 93 30-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 22 42 - 93 30-30
E-Mail: info℘
Export: export℘